Character Archetypes
Dawn of the Merciless is set up for players to come and go as they please. Part of that flexibility is because of character archetypes. The first step to making a character is picking one of the following archetypes, or working with the GM to create your own unique character.
Distinction 1: It runs in the family
Magic is in my blood – spend a CP to double an ability die that involves truecasting
Don’t you know who you’re dealing with? – spend a CP to step up your willpower or intelligence die when using your family connections to intimidate an opponent.
Haughty – gain a CP when your pride and arrogance leads to failure.
Distinction 2: Graduated with honors
A little flourish – spend a CP to step up your effect die and add some extra flair to casting a spell.
Top of my class – spend a CP to step up an ability die.
Not how I was taught – gain a CP to step down an ability die when trying to improvise.
Distinction 3: A keen mind
Bookwyrm – spend a CP to step up an attribute die if you read a relevant book about it within the past 3 scenes.
This reminds me of… - spend a CP to gain an asset 8 for the rest of the scene when you recall useful info from a previous scene.
Know-it-all – gain a CP and a complication 6 when you won’t back down from an argument.
Agility 8
Strength 6
Vitality 8
Alertness 8
Intelligence 10
Willpower 8
Distinction 1: Ambitious
Sheer willpower – use a CP to double an ability die that uses your runewarding
Your doubt pushes my need to win – use a CP to step up an attribute die when an opponent tries to intimidate, taunt, or ridicule you
If only one of us can succeed, it better be me: gain a CP when you throw a teammate under the bus or backstab them for personal gain
Distinction 2: Daring
No fear – spend a CP to double your die for a melee weapon when you push to be the first to attack an opponent
Nothing ventured, nothing gained – spend a CP to get an asset 8 for the rest of the scene when you are the first person into the room
In over my head – gain a CP when you jump in unprepared to a fight with an obviously overpowered opponent
Distinction 3: Succeed at all costs
Backup plans - spend a CP to reroll the dice
Let’s try a different angle – spend a CP to swap out an attribute for willpower when you lost the previous challenge/test
This isn’t what I wanted – gain a CP when winning a challenge/test/task leads to unintended consequences
Agility 6
Strength 8
Vitality 8
Alertness 8
Intelligence 8
Willpower 10
Elemental Armory
Iron Claws
Distinction 1: Elements unleashed
Overpowering might – spend a CP to step up the effect die when you get a heroic success
This is what I’ve trained for – spend a CP to double an ability die when there are 2 or more opponents
Not the time or place – gain a CP and a complication 6 when you use a spell in a crowd or small, enclosed space
Distinction 2: Soldier
Battle hardened – spend a CP to turn an opponent’s heroic success into a normal one
Tactical advantage – spend a CP to add or double your Intelligence die when you give orders to your team
PTSD – gain a CP when a scene makes you flash back to your time on the battlefield, taking you out of the rest of the scene
Distinction 3: Brooding
My past is my own – spend a CP to step up your willpower or alertness after refusing to open up to your teammates
Aura of intimidation – spend a CP to add a complication 6 Intimidated to your opponent when you glare but don’t say anything after being taunted
Closed off – gain a CP when you or a teammate fails because you didn’t share information
Agility 10
Strength 8
Vitality 8
Alertness 8
Intelligence 8
Willpower 6
Force Constructs
Water Control
Hand of the Night Guardian
Distinction 1: Protector of the innocent
I am the shield – spend a CP to step up your vitality or strength when you jump in front of someone who is being attacked
Fight me instead - spend a CP to double an attack-focused (mastery of the body, immense strength, shield of the moon, animal summoning) ability die when you taunt an opponent away from attacking someone else
Get those villagers to safety! - gain a CP when you take yourself out of a scene to save bystanders
Distinction 2: Empathetic healer
Field medic – spend a CP to step down a wound-related complication on a teammate while engaged in battle
My strength is yours – give a CP to a teammate or GMC when you are moved by the troubles of others
The weight of the world – gain a CP and complication 6 when you spend your 2nd, 4th, or 6th PP in a scene on healing challenges/tasks/tests
Distinction 3: Big softy
My friends are like family – spend a CP to add your vitality to another person’s roll
Love is my shield in a cruel world – spend a CP step down a complication on yourself when you express your feelings surrounding kinship, romance, loyalty, etc. to at least one teammate
Why can’t we all get along? – gain a CP when you are too trusting
Agility 8
Strength 10
Vitality 8
Alertness 8
Intelligence 6
Willpower 8
Animal Summoning
Immense Strength
Mastery of the Body
Shield of the Moon
Spadebearer of Hildor
Distinction 1: Virtuous
Centered – spend a CP to step up vitality, alertness, or willpower after taking a moment to meditate.
Diplomatic – spend a CP to add an asset 8 Silver Tongue for the rest of the scene when trying to negotiate with a GMC
Cautious with magic – gain a CP when you decline to use one a magic-based ability even though it was almost certainly necessary / warranted.
Distinction 2: Puller of wicked weeds
Blood oath – spend a CP to step up willpower or alertness for the remainder of the session when you make an oath of vengeance
A certain set of skills – spend a CP to step up the effect die when using Paralysis, Poison, Blast, or Force Construct when in contest against an enemy you have sworn an oath with.
What goes around comes around – gain a CP when your actions come back to harm you
Distinction 3: Tiller of man
Land’s law– spend a CP to step up intelligence or willpower when enforcing the law (king’s law, local law, law of nature, or your personal code –seen through the aspect of Hildor’s teachings)
Investigator – spend a CP to gain an asset 8 while searching for clues
Into my own hands - gain a CP when you cause trouble for the party by carrying out your own brand of justice
Agility 8
Strength 8
Vitality 8
Alertness 8
Intelligence 8
Willpower 8
Elemental Armory
Force Constructs
Mastery of the Body
Water Control
Bounty Hunter
Distinction 1: I get the job done
Skilled tracker – spend a CP to gain an asset 8 while looking for clues
Any means necessary – spend a CP to double an ability roll
Single-minded focus – gain a CP when you miss an opportunity or clue because you were focused on something else
Distinction 2: personal code
Noble goal – spend a CP to step up your vitality or willpower when you talk about your personal goals
Efficient and effective – spend a CP to turn a success into a heroic success
Drawing the line – gain a CP when you take yourself out of a scene by declaring the suggested action as a line you refuse to cross
Distinction 3: The dead don’t get paid
Risk assessment – spend a CP to step up your alertness or intelligence when attempting to judge the danger of a situation
Time to move on – spend a CP to get yourself and up to two others away from danger that would otherwise cause someone to be removed from the scene
I’ve made enemies – gain a CP when you think you’re being followed and must check that the area is secure
Agility 8
Strength 8
Vitality 10
Alertness 8
Intelligence 8
Willpower 6
Iron Claws
Mastery of the Body
Traveling Merchant
Distinction 1: Dealmaker
Shall we make a trade? – spend a CP to gain an asset 8 for the rest of the scene by making a deal with a friendly GMC
Shrewd – spend a CP to step up your willpower or intelligence die when making a deal.
Abrasive – gain a CP when a deal gone wrong leads to a complication.
Distinction 2: World Traveler
The stories I could tell – spend a CP to step up your effect die when you relate the current problem or solution to something from your past
Souvenirs – spend a CP to gain an asset 8 for the rest of the scene, revealing that you took a souvenir from a previous scene
Known the world over – gain a CP to step up a complication if an unfriendly GMC recognizes you
Distinction 3: Craftsmaster
Maker – spend a CP to gain an asset 10 for a single test/challenge/task.
Problem solver – Spend a CP to step down a complication when you try a new solution to the current problem
Experimental - Gain a CP when an Ability fails spectacularly or when using an object you made leads to a complication
Agility 8
Strength 6
Vitality 8
Alertness 8
Intelligence 8
Willpower 10
Animal Summoning
Elemental Armory
Iron Claws